Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wedding Season

It's wedding season! It's that time of the year again.. the time when I'm faced with "to buy off the wedding registry or not". I hate HATE buying things I do not personally like off a couple's registry. Maybe it's selfish but I like to be really excited about gifts I'm giving.... and that's not going to happen buying a couple curtains or a turkey baster.

What are some good/classic wedding gifts??

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This month marked the 70th annual Iroquois Steeplechase on May 14, 2011! The day was filled with big derby hats, sundresses, Vineyard Vines, and more alcohol floating around than food. In preparation for the big day, we ladies shopped around for the perfect ensemble for weeks and saved our moola to splurge on the $100 ticket for the Nashville society party of the year.

Derick & I even got our picture taken by Vineyard Vines and landed in their Steeplechase album!

Steeplechase 2011:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Women on the Road

Found this great website with information on Women who love to travel and see the world... mostly for women traveling solo... but Great information and very inspiring!
  • How to do it on a budget
  • Round the world Flights and Cheap international flights
  • Why to travel
  • Safe Travel
  • Jobs abroad
  • Cheap places to stay (who would have thought to stay at a monastary??) has a great search engine for monastaries in Italy that accept reservations.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Forbes' Best Places to Live

SUCCESS! Without even knowing it, I will soon be moving to Forbes' #1 Safest Places to Live.. Honolulu, HI. And here I was worried about volcano eruptions & hurricanes.. no sir! Click here for the article!

Honolulu Honolulu Honolulu

Other Cities that made the list of Safest Places to Live :
  1. Honolulu, Hawaii (definitely the best out of this group!)
  2. Bosie, Idaho
  3. Sante Fe, New Mexico
  4. Yakima, Washington
  5. Spokane, Washington

Best Places to Live (in general):
  1. Vancouver, Canada
  2. Melbourne, Australia
  3. Vienna, Austria
  4. Toronto, Canada
  5. Calgary, Canada
Best Places for Singles:
  1. Austin, Texas
  2. Colorado Springs, Colorado
  3. San Diego, California
  4. Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina
  5. Seattle, Washington
Best Places for Families:
  1. Denver, Colorado
  2. Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Newport News, Virginia
  3. Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minnesota
  4. Miami, Florida
  5. Orlando, Florida
Best Places to Reinvent Yourself:
  1. Loveland/Fort Collins, Colorado
  2. Bellingham, Washington
  3. Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, North Carolina
  4. Sarasota, Florida
  5. Fayetteville, Arkansas